
Two new papers from the lab on the molecular basis and evolution of decision making

How do animals balance between competing demands, and how do those mechanism evolve?   If you spend much time watching animals in natural populations you’re bound to notice that animals are rarely doing just one thing at a time. How do they balance between competing demands?  In a new paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Alison

Two new papers from the lab on the molecular basis and evolution of decision making Read More »

A very successful retreat for the Alaska project. We are thrilled to be a part of the “greatest eco-evo experiment ever” and had a great time!

The behaviour axis, including (from left) Alexis Heckley, Chad Brock, Rionach McCarthy, Alison Bell, Tina Barbasch, Kiyoko Gotanda, Kevin Neumann, Allison Roth, Eric Neumann and Brendan Byrd Kevin Neumann presenting findings from summer 2022 Tina Barbasch presenting at the retreat Eric Arredondo shows results from summer 2022 and plans for 2023

A very successful retreat for the Alaska project. We are thrilled to be a part of the “greatest eco-evo experiment ever” and had a great time! Read More »

Meta-analysis on predator-induced transgenerational plasticity in animals

Check out our recent paper in Oecologia on predator-induced TGP! This project was a massive collaborative effect by a great team of international colleagues, originally brought together at a Gordon Conference on predator-prey interactions. We marshaled together an extensive dataset and applied rigorous methods and found very strong evidence for predator-induced TGP. However, we ultimately

Meta-analysis on predator-induced transgenerational plasticity in animals Read More »